Sunday Spirit Series: Living Our Call to Care for Creation
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Milwaukee Catholic Home
2462 N. Prospect Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53211
Presented By: Joe Meyer
Join us for the return of our Sunday Spirit Series with a talk by Joe Meyer to explore how you can answer the call to care for creation. Learn how the Catholic Ecology Center and Clare Gardens work together to foster a reawakening of our faith and connection with our land. Refreshments to follow in Flatley’s. Masks are required and are available at the Front Desk when you check-in.
About the Presenter
From an early age Joe Meyer has had two passions in his life, his Catholic faith and a love for ecology. He has a master's degree in science education and currently teaches at Marquette University High School. He is executive director of Laudato Si' Project, a non-profit that recently created the Catholic Ecology Center, which is the new home for Milwaukee Catholic Home's Clare Gardens.